Managed Cyber

DNS Filtering


Block Access to Known Malicious Websites

We block access to known malicious websites and IP addresses to keep your users from inadvertently accessing harmful content. A strong Domain Name System (DNS) layer also helps mitigate the risks associated with malware infections and other online threats.

Our Solution

Our preventive DNS filtering powered by machine learning blocks access to known malicious websites and IP addresses.


How It Works

  • Phishing, Malware and Botnet Protection─ New domains are the biggest threats when it comes to phishing attacks. DNS filters out malicious websites that have never been seen before and blocks domains hosting malware, preventing “callbacks” from malware to host servers. Similarly, it prevents botnets from accessing devices that lead to various cyberattacks.

  • Real-Time Detection─ AI-powered protections categorize websites in real time to spot threats and alert clients to them faster.

  • Content Filtering─ Content filtering blocks unwanted web content and allows users to be able to visit appropriate or favorable content. Machine learning conducts this filtering at the DNS level.

  • DNS Encryption─ Encrypting DNS traffic allows us to protect DNS requests while they are in transit and prevent DNS poisoning attacks. DNS poisoning or spoofing is done when an attacker intercepts a DNS request and sends a fabricated (poisoned) response to the client.

  • Network Deployment─ The DNS filter can be configured directly to your network via your router, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and more.

"Awesome service. Marisol has done an outstanding job. I really appreciate her."
"EXOS IT was very thorough in researching the issue, and followed up with the explanation. Greatly appreciated their help."
Monty McDougal was the technician helping me. He was able to detect the problem and solved it right away. As always, it was a pleasure working with EXOS IT personnel.
EXOS IT Service Desk User
EXOS IT Service Desk User
EXOS IT Service Desk User
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See the Case Study

Gleaners Managed Services and Cybersecurity

Delve into the pivotal role cybersecurity plays in enabling nonprofits to fulfill their philanthropic objectives while safeguarding their digital assets.

Managed Services and Cybersecurity Success for Indianapolis Non Profit