Employee Spotlight: Dionte Williams, Service Desk Lead

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This month, we shine the spotlight on Dionte Williams, IT Service Desk Lead, whose journey into the world of IT is rooted in a lifelong curiosity and passion for technology. From taking apart gadgets as a child to solving complex IT challenges for our clients, Dionte’s story is a testament to the power of hands-on experience and a relentless drive to learn.

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This month, we shine the spotlight on Dionte Williams, IT Service Desk Lead, whose journey into the world of IT is rooted in a lifelong curiosity and passion for technology. From taking apart gadgets as a child to solving complex IT challenges for our clients, Dionte’s story is a testament to the power of hands-on experience and a relentless drive to learn.

Q&A with Dionte Williams

1. What inspired you to pursue a career in IT and join our service desk team?

My fascination with technology began at an early age, driven by a deep curiosity about how things work. This curiosity naturally led me to IT, where I initially gravitated toward the hardware side. I found immense satisfaction in the hands-on experience of disassembling anything I could get my hands on, figuring out how it worked, and then reassembling it. As I gained confidence with hardware, my curiosity expanded to include software, and I became intrigued by the intricate ways in which it interacts with hardware. This comprehensive understanding of IT systems felt like a natural progression and solidified my decision to pursue a career in this field.

Joining EXOS was an exciting step for me because I was eager to immerse myself in the diverse challenges that come with being part of a Managed Service Provider (MSP). The variety of issues we encounter ensures that no two days are the same, and this constant learning environment is something I truly value. Moreover, EXOS’s culture resonates with me—it’s a place where the core beliefs align with my own, and the team dynamic is both supportive and growth-oriented.

2. Can you describe a particularly challenging IT issue you’ve successfully resolved recently?

Recently, I was involved in the opening of a new store for one of our clients. This project presented a unique challenge because it was uncharted territory—there was no existing framework or prior documentation to guide us. The deadline was tight, adding to the pressure. Despite these hurdles, I was able to leverage my problem-solving skills and resourcefulness to develop a plan and execute it successfully. The experience taught me the importance of adaptability and thinking on my feet, especially in situations where the usual resources aren’t available. It was gratifying to see the store open on schedule and to know that my efforts directly contributed to that success.

3. What’s your favorite part about working on the service desk and assisting our clients?

What I enjoy most about working on the service desk is the problem-solving aspect. There’s a unique satisfaction that comes from resolving issues that have stumped others, especially when you can provide a solution that significantly improves a user’s day. The gratitude and relief expressed by clients after a successful resolution is incredibly rewarding. I love the human element of this work—knowing that my technical skills are not just fixing a computer, but helping someone continue their work or alleviating their stress. It’s this direct impact on people’s lives that makes my role so fulfilling.

4. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and developments in IT support?

Staying current in the fast-paced world of IT is crucial, and I have a multi-faceted approach to doing so. Firstly, I prioritize ongoing education by renewing existing certifications and pursuing new ones throughout the year. This formal education is complemented by my engagement with the broader tech community. I follow several reputable Youtubers, tech influencers, and discussion boards to get real-time updates and in-depth analyses of emerging technologies and trends. For instance, I keep up with content from Tech Radar, UrAvgConsumer, and watch events like CES whenever possible (would love to attend one day). These resources provide me with a mix of technical insights and industry forecasts, ensuring that I’m always prepared to support our clients with the most up-to-date knowledge.

5. Could you share a memorable client success story or experience that made a significant impact on you?

One memorable experience that stands out is when I assisted a user with a problem that, from a technical standpoint, was quite simple for me to resolve. However, for the user, it was a major roadblock. After fixing the issue, their response was overwhelmingly positive—they referred to me as a magician making their problems disappear. This interaction was a powerful reminder that what might seem like a small fix to me can have a huge impact on someone else’s day. It reinforced the importance of treating every issue, no matter how minor it might seem, with the same level of care and attention as a critical task.

6. What’s one piece of advice you would offer to clients to help them optimize their IT experience?

One key piece of advice I would offer is the importance of communication. When reporting an issue, it’s always better to provide too much information than too little. Detailed descriptions, including any error messages, recent changes to the system, or even the exact sequence of steps taken before the issue occurred, can greatly expedite the troubleshooting process. The more context we have, the faster and more accurately we can pinpoint the problem and implement a solution. This not only helps us serve you better but also minimizes downtime and frustration on your end.

7. When you’re not busy at the service desk, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Outside of work, I’m very much a sports enthusiast. I enjoy both playing and watching various sports, which is something I share with my family. My children are actively involved in football, baseball, softball, and basketball, so much of my free time is spent cheering them on from the sidelines with my wife or coaching them through practice. Family time is incredibly important to me, and these moments allow us to bond over our shared love of sports while also teaching valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and discipline. Any free time outside of that usually goes to traveling and playing video games.