Managed IT Support

Network Security


Protect Your Data and Networks

Our network security services are designed to protect your data and systems from cyber threats with advanced security measures. With EXOS IT, you can rest assured that your company’s network is secure, compliant, and resilient.

Key Benefits

  • Robust Threat Detection and Prevention

    We utilize advanced technologies to detect and neutralize threats before they impact your operations. Our solutions include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and real-time monitoring to ensure your data and systems remain secure.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Response

    We monitor your network 24/7 to detect and respond to security incidents in real time. Minimize the risk of breaches and ensure rapid response to any potential threats, keeping your business safe around the clock.

  • Proactive Risk Management

    We identify vulnerabilities and implement strategies to mitigate risks. EXOS IT stays ahead of potential threats and ensure compliance with industry standards.

  • Enhanced Network Performance

    Our security measures optimize your network performance. We ensure that your network runs efficiently, supporting your business operations without compromise.

  • Expert Support and Guidance

    Our leadership team provides continuous support and strategic advice. Leverage our expertise to make informed decisions and maximize the value of your IT investments.

"Awesome service. Marisol has done an outstanding job. I really appreciate her."
"EXOS IT was very thorough in researching the issue, and followed up with the explanation. Greatly appreciated their help."
Monty McDougal was the technician helping me. He was able to detect the problem and solved it right away. As always, it was a pleasure working with EXOS IT personnel.
EXOS IT Service Desk User
EXOS IT Service Desk User
EXOS IT Service Desk User
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See the Case Study

Gleaners Managed Services and Cybersecurity

As nonprofits increasingly rely on technology to drive their missions, protect sensitive donor data, and ensure the seamless operation of their programs, the significance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. In this case study, we delve into the pivotal role cybersecurity plays in enabling nonprofits to fulfill their philanthropic objectives while safeguarding their digital assets and preserving the trust of their supporters.